Syark Air Force (SAF) - 1/72 Hobby Master USAF F-4G Phantom II Wild Weasels, 561st TFS, George AFB 1992
1/72 Hobby Master USAF F-4G Phantom II Wild Weasels, 561st TFS, George AFB 1992
New Phantom new legendary fighter aircraft in my bunker. The final variant F4G by USAF dedicated as SEAD operation. When the gulf war occurred in middle east. USAF has been assigned every F4G that has been served with them join the Air Strike Campaign during Desert Storm. F4G Wild Weasel equipped with AGM 88 HARM Missile including with their ALQ 141 Jamming Devices to Search and Destroy Iraqi Air Defence.
The latest WW in F4G variant based on Aircraft F-4G Phantom II from 561st Tactical Fighter Squadron and this squadron is the only last Squadron that has been used F4G Phantom II fleet during that time.
lebiar_sa-1998 Jeremy Frazier
0peltorQhae_bo1999 Mike Abeita
UclusinOglucpa Jessica Ortiz Here