Syark Air Force (SAF) - 1/72 Witty Wings F14D Tomcat VF 31 Tomcatters Final Flight 2006

1/72 Witty Wings F14D Tomcat VF 31 Tomcatters Final Flight 2006

It's been while I'm not updated my collections due to my busy schedule job and my PP activity, so today I'm shared the last model of F14D VF31 Tomcatters final flight in 2006 due to the transition Sqd VF31 to new penant sqd no VFA 31 Tomcatters with incoming new F18 Superhornet fleet in US Navy Carrier. so the VF31 F14D that I owned is marked with special marking due to their final flight to remembered the glory and achievement of that F14 Tomcat in their service. It's a good collection to all die hard Tomcat Collecter to have this one in your display cabinet :D
