A400M First TUDM Heavy Airlifter in LIMA 2015

A400M First TUDM Heavy Airlifter in LIMA 2015

The first deliver RMAF A400M in the year 2015 which significant with LIMA 2015 in the middle of march. I do have the opportunity to see this grizzly live when it first touch down in Subang Air Base 3 days before the opening ceremony LIMA 2015 in Langkawi Islands. At lasts and still the golden chance to me to see it live the new heavy strategic airlifter for RMAF for the first time on my life.

Thanks a lot to RMAF and A400M crew member due to my visit inside the compartment cargo A400M and A400M Cockpit. The true is I very satisfied with the new bear. Most of the avionic is total new and user friendly to pilot in order to maintain during the flight mission.

About the technical specs and bla2 about this detailed A400M. I think most of my followers can google it right :D.

but don't worry, here I'm attached some little detail about A400M for your first review ok?

credit: Panggilan Pertiwi
