1/72 X-Plus US Navy F-4B Phantom VF-111, USS Coral Sea "Sundowners", 1972
General Background
In 1971 VF-111 “Sundowners” transitioned to the F-4B Phantom II. On March 6, 1972 F-4B Bu. No 153019 – 201 was operating from the USS Coral Sea using the call-sign “Old Nick 201”. The aircraft was assigned to CDR Bob Pearl and Lt. Gil Sliney but this day Lt. Gary Weigand and Lt(jg) Bill Freckleton were at the controls when they encountered a MiG-17 over the Gulf of Tonkin and destroyed it with an AIM-9D making this F-4B a MiG killer. The “Sundowners” later transitioned to the F-4N variant. Aircraft, F-4B, NL 201, Bu.No. 153019 was restored to the original paint scheme by one of the later VF-111 squadrons. “Old Nick 201” is perched on a pedestal just inside the main gate at NAS Key West, Florida.
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