Syark Airforces (SAF) - 1/48 Hobbyboss TUDM F/A 18 Hornet D M45-04 & M45-07, Skuadron 18, PU Butterworth

1/48 hobbyboss TUDM F/A 18 D Hornet M45-04 & M45-07, Skuadron 18, PU Butterworth
Modeler : Majorbee Wan Hashim
Just to update my new collection aircraft scale model. 2 nos F/A 18D Hornet from Royal Malaysia Air Force from one modeler Majorbee Wan Hashim. The first model of Hornet around 2010 and second model by 2017 from my buddy. The model kit based on HobbyBoss and early of my hobbies focused all aircraft model in fly mode presentation. Just be patriotic guys. I love My Country
Specifications TUDM F18 A/D HORNET D
Boeing [ McDonnell Douglas Aerospace] and Northrop Grumman (Airframe),General Electric (Engines), and Hughes (Radar)
Power Plant
Two F404-GE-402 afterburning engines, each in the 18,000 pound thrust class, which results in a combat thrust-to-weight ratio greater than 1-to-1. Depending on the mission and loading, combat radius is greater than 500 nautical miles.
Twin F414-GE-400 engines, each in the 22,000 pound thrust class. On an interdiction mission, the E/F will fly up to 40 % further than the C/D.
The F/A-18C and F/A-18E are single seat aircraft.
The D and F models are flown by two crew members.
The aft seat in the D and F may be configured with a stick and throttle for the training environment (or without when crewed with a Weapons System Officer).
F/A-18C/D can carry up to 13,700 pounds of external ordnance.
Weapon stations include: two wingtip stations for Sidewinders; two outboard wing stations for air-to-air or air-to-ground weapons; two inboard wing stations for fuel tanks, air-to-air, or air-to-ground weapons; two nacelle fuselage stations for AMRAAMs, Sparrows, or sensor pods; and one centerline station for fuel or air-to-ground weapons.
- M61 Vulcan
- AIM-9 sidewinder
- AGM-65E Maverick
- AGM-84 Harpoon
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